Clutter - Illustration Friday

Clutter, clutter, worry, worry.

10 opmerkingen:

kathy hare zei


Annika zei

I really like your style!

Rui Sousa zei

fantastic, really sweet!
Great work.

(O Temporário)

Juan zei

A delightful response to the topic Dienke.

Laura Armstrong zei

A nice concept, the idea of your brain getting full, you can really feel the persons anxiety, great mood and colour.

Nancy Grönholm zei

Mmm, very pretty. I like the fragile look of your style. :)

Anoniem zei

clearly a cluttered mind!

Maandag zei

Thanks everyone for your kind comments. I have been feeling quite cluttered the last week. It's rather a suitable illustration :-).

Anoniem zei

Lovely style. Sweet and sensitiv :)

Oil and Vinegar zei

This is beautiful!